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ROM Rugs

Elevate Your Space with the Modern Rugs Collection by Surya: A Fusion of Contemporary Elegance

Introducing our Modern Rugs Collection by Surya, where innovation meets design to transform your living spaces into captivating expressions of style and sophistication. With a range of designs inspired by the latest trends, these rugs effortlessly infuse modernity and character into any interior.

Step into timeless elegance. These rugs celebrate traditional designs with a chic twist. Featuring stylish patinated and antique effects, they seamlessly integrate into various interior styles. Their sanded patterns blend harmoniously with both classic and ultra-contemporary settings, making them the perfect choice for those seeking a touch of vintage charm with a modern sensibility.

Durability and Comfort: Machine-woven by our experts, these rugs are not just visually striking but also built to last. They are moisture-resistant, bleach-resistant, and stain-resistant, boasting a virtually non-shedding pile. Designed for high-traffic indoor areas, they are perfect for families and pet-friendly homes.

Stress-Free Maintenance: Keeping your home beautiful is effortless. Simply vacuum regularly to maintain their pristine appearance. For minor stains, a gentle blot with warm water and a few drops of soap is all it takes.

Surya's Modern Rugs Collection redefines contemporary elegance, offering a diverse range of designs that cater to your unique style preferences. From vintage charm to cutting-edge chic, our rugs add comfort, warmth, and sophistication to any home. Elevate your interior design with Surya today.

ROM Rug Designs

ROM ALIX 2315 Grey Rug

ROM ALIX 2315 Grey Rug

From £54.99

6 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £54.99
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £69.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £79.99
Rectangle 140cm x 200cm 4'7" x 6'7" £104.99
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM ALIX 2393 Grey Rug

ROM ALIX 2393 Grey Rug

From £54.99

6 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £54.99
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £69.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £79.99
Rectangle 140cm x 200cm 4'7" x 6'7" £104.99
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM ALIX 2394 Blue Rug

ROM ALIX 2394 Blue Rug

From £124.99

1 size
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99


From £124.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM LOUNA 2329 White Rug

ROM LOUNA 2329 White Rug

From £54.99

6 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £54.99
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £69.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £79.99
Rectangle 140cm x 200cm 4'7" x 6'7" £104.99
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM MARGAUX 2300 White Rug

ROM MARGAUX 2300 White Rug

From £54.99

6 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £54.99
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £69.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £79.99
Rectangle 140cm x 200cm 4'7" x 6'7" £104.99
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM OLIVIA 2302 Brown Rug

ROM OLIVIA 2302 Brown Rug

From £69.99

2 sizes
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £69.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM PANDORA 2306 Brown Rug

ROM PANDORA 2306 Brown Rug

From £124.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM PANDORA 2349 Multicolored Rug

ROM PANDORA 2349 Multicolored Rug

From £189.99

1 size
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM SOFIA 2343 White Rug

ROM SOFIA 2343 White Rug

From £54.99

6 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £54.99
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £69.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £79.99
Rectangle 140cm x 200cm 4'7" x 6'7" £104.99
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
ROM VICKY 2307 Grey Rug

ROM VICKY 2307 Grey Rug

From £124.99

1 size
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
ROM VICKY 2308 Grey Rug

ROM VICKY 2308 Grey Rug

From £54.99

7 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £54.99
Runner 69cm x 221cm 2'3" x 7'3" £62.99
Runner 80cm x 220cm Free Next Day Delivery 2'7" x 7'3" £69.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £79.99
Rectangle 140cm x 200cm 4'7" x 6'7" £104.99
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm Free Next Day Delivery 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £189.99
Free Next Day Delivery
ROM VICKY 2309 Blue Rug

ROM VICKY 2309 Blue Rug

From £124.99

1 size
Rectangle 160cm x 215cm 5'3" x 7'1" £124.99

Elevate Your Space with the Modern Rugs Collection by Surya: A Fusion of Contemporary Elegance

Introducing our Modern Rugs Collection by Surya, where innovation meets design to transform your living spaces into captivating expressions of style and sophistication. With a range of designs inspired by the latest trends, these rugs effortlessly infuse modernity and character into any interior.

Step into timeless elegance. These rugs celebrate traditional designs with a chic twist. Featuring stylish patinated and antique effects, they seamlessly integrate into various interior styles. Their sanded patterns blend harmoniously with both classic and ultra-contemporary settings, making them the perfect choice for those seeking a touch of vintage charm with a modern sensibility.

Durability and Comfort: Machine-woven by our experts, these rugs are not just visually striking but also built to last. They are moisture-resistant, bleach-resistant, and stain-resistant, boasting a virtually non-shedding pile. Designed for high-traffic indoor areas, they are perfect for families and pet-friendly homes.

Stress-Free Maintenance: Keeping your home beautiful is effortless. Simply vacuum regularly to maintain their pristine appearance. For minor stains, a gentle blot with warm water and a few drops of soap is all it takes.

Surya's Modern Rugs Collection redefines contemporary elegance, offering a diverse range of designs that cater to your unique style preferences. From vintage charm to cutting-edge chic, our rugs add comfort, warmth, and sophistication to any home. Elevate your interior design with Surya today.


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