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HAP Rugs

Introducing the Vintage Collection from the Surya Range: Timeless Elegance, Family and Pet Friendly, Stress-Free Cleaning, Non-Shedding

The Vintage Collection is a homage to timeless elegance, offering traditional models with a chic and antique appeal. These rugs effortlessly blend classic and contemporary settings, featuring stylish patinated and sanded patterns that add a touch of sophistication to your interior. Not only do these rugs showcase enduring beauty, but they are also family and pet-friendly, easy to clean, non-shedding, and resistant to stains, making them an ideal choice for homes that value both style and practicality.

Key Features:

  1. Timeless Elegance: The Vintage Collection presents traditional models that highlight timeless and chic designs. These rugs seamlessly fit into any interior style, from classic to ultra-contemporary, adding an element of timeless elegance to your decor.

  2. Chic Patina and Antique Effects: With their stylish patinated and antique effects, these rugs exude sophistication and charm. They create a sense of history and depth, making them perfect for homes that appreciate traditional aesthetics.

  3. Family and Pet Friendly: We understand the demands of family life and the joys of having pets. The Vintage Collection is designed to be family and pet-friendly. These rugs can withstand the rigors of daily life, ensuring your home remains inviting and comfortable for all.

  4. Stress-Free Cleaning: Cleaning is made stress-free with these rugs. They are durable and resistant to stains, ensuring you can maintain their pristine appearance with minimal effort. Enjoy the beauty of your rug without the stress of complicated upkeep.

  5. Non-Shedding: Say goodbye to the hassle of constant shedding. The Vintage Collection boasts a virtually non-shedding pile, ensuring your space remains pristine and beautiful.

  6. Durable Craftsmanship: Crafted by our expert weavers, these rugs are machine-woven for durability. They are designed to withstand the demands of high-traffic indoor areas, ensuring their longevity in your home.

The Vintage Collection from the Surya Range is more than just a floor covering; it's a testament to enduring beauty, traditional elegance, and practicality. Choose the Vintage Collection to bring timeless charm and family-friendly functionality into your home. Elevate your decor with the Vintage Collection today.

HAP Rug Designs

HAP ALBERTA 1087 Black Rug

HAP ALBERTA 1087 Black Rug

From £69.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
HAP BETTY 1064 Burgundy Rug

HAP BETTY 1064 Burgundy Rug

From £69.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
HAP EDITH 1069 Grey Rug

HAP EDITH 1069 Grey Rug

From £69.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
HAP ELEANOR 1066 Orange Rug

HAP ELEANOR 1066 Orange Rug

From £69.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
HAP INES 1018 Multicolored Rug
Round options available

HAP INES 1018 Multicolored Rug

From £89.99

4 sizes
Circle 160cm x 160cm 5'3" x 5'3" £89.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £169.99
200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £169.99
HAP INES 1072 Multicolored Rug

HAP INES 1072 Multicolored Rug

From £69.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
HAP JULIETTE 1019 Orange Rug

HAP JULIETTE 1019 Orange Rug

From £49.99

3 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £49.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm Free Next Day Delivery 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
Free Next Day Delivery
HAP JULIETTE 1021 Blue Rug

HAP JULIETTE 1021 Blue Rug

From £62.99

4 sizes
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £62.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £169.99
HAP JULIETTE 1024 Grey Rug
Round options available

HAP JULIETTE 1024 Grey Rug

From £49.99

7 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £49.99
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £62.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Circle 160cm x 160cm 5'3" x 5'3" £89.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £169.99
200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £169.99
HAP LOU 1000 Multicoloured Rug
Round options available

HAP LOU 1000 Multicoloured Rug

From £49.99

7 sizes
Rectangle 80cm x 150cm 2'7" x 4'11" £49.99
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £62.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Circle 160cm x 160cm 5'3" x 5'3" £89.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £169.99
200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £169.99
HAP LOU 1063 Multicoloured Rug

HAP LOU 1063 Multicoloured Rug

From £62.99

1 size
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £62.99
HAP MARJORIE 1070 Grey Rug

HAP MARJORIE 1070 Grey Rug

From £69.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
HAP OPAL 1020 Burgundy Rug

HAP OPAL 1020 Burgundy Rug

From £62.99

3 sizes
Runner 80cm x 220cm 2'7" x 7'3" £62.99
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
HAP PEARL 1061 Charcoal Rug

HAP PEARL 1061 Charcoal Rug

From £69.99

3 sizes
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99
Rectangle 200cm x 275cm 6'7" x 9'0" £169.99
HAP TELMA 1065 Grey Rug

HAP TELMA 1065 Grey Rug

From £69.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 120cm x 170cm 3'11" x 5'7" £69.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £114.99

Introducing the Vintage Collection from the Surya Range: Timeless Elegance, Family and Pet Friendly, Stress-Free Cleaning, Non-Shedding

The Vintage Collection is a homage to timeless elegance, offering traditional models with a chic and antique appeal. These rugs effortlessly blend classic and contemporary settings, featuring stylish patinated and sanded patterns that add a touch of sophistication to your interior. Not only do these rugs showcase enduring beauty, but they are also family and pet-friendly, easy to clean, non-shedding, and resistant to stains, making them an ideal choice for homes that value both style and practicality.

Key Features:

  1. Timeless Elegance: The Vintage Collection presents traditional models that highlight timeless and chic designs. These rugs seamlessly fit into any interior style, from classic to ultra-contemporary, adding an element of timeless elegance to your decor.

  2. Chic Patina and Antique Effects: With their stylish patinated and antique effects, these rugs exude sophistication and charm. They create a sense of history and depth, making them perfect for homes that appreciate traditional aesthetics.

  3. Family and Pet Friendly: We understand the demands of family life and the joys of having pets. The Vintage Collection is designed to be family and pet-friendly. These rugs can withstand the rigors of daily life, ensuring your home remains inviting and comfortable for all.

  4. Stress-Free Cleaning: Cleaning is made stress-free with these rugs. They are durable and resistant to stains, ensuring you can maintain their pristine appearance with minimal effort. Enjoy the beauty of your rug without the stress of complicated upkeep.

  5. Non-Shedding: Say goodbye to the hassle of constant shedding. The Vintage Collection boasts a virtually non-shedding pile, ensuring your space remains pristine and beautiful.

  6. Durable Craftsmanship: Crafted by our expert weavers, these rugs are machine-woven for durability. They are designed to withstand the demands of high-traffic indoor areas, ensuring their longevity in your home.

The Vintage Collection from the Surya Range is more than just a floor covering; it's a testament to enduring beauty, traditional elegance, and practicality. Choose the Vintage Collection to bring timeless charm and family-friendly functionality into your home. Elevate your decor with the Vintage Collection today.


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