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LOF Rugs

Introducing the Surya LOF Collection: A Symphony of Luxury and Comfort

Elevate your home's ambiance with the Surya LOF Collection of rugs, where opulence meets functionality in perfect harmony. Immerse yourself in the world of premium quality, style, and unparalleled comfort with our exquisite rug range.

Crafted to Perfection: Each rug in the LOF Collection is a testament to our commitment to craftsmanship. These rugs are expertly handcrafted by our skilled artisans, ensuring the highest level of precision and attention to detail. The use of top-tier materials guarantees not only beauty but also durability, making them a long-lasting addition to your home.

Unmatched Elegance: The LOF Collection boasts an array of captivating designs and a rich color palette that effortlessly complements any decor style. Whether you're drawn to traditional motifs or contemporary patterns, our rugs are designed to elevate the aesthetic appeal of your space, providing a touch of timeless elegance.

Indulgent Comfort: Experience unparalleled comfort as you sink your feet into the sumptuous pile of our LOF rugs. The softness and coziness they offer create a warm and inviting atmosphere, making your home the ultimate retreat for relaxation and leisure.

LOF Rug Designs

LOF PUKYU 2300 Multicolored Rug

LOF PUKYU 2300 Multicolored Rug

From £179.99

1 size
Rectangle 160cm x 213cm 5'3" x 7'0" £179.99
LOF PUKYU 2301 Multicolored Rug

LOF PUKYU 2301 Multicolored Rug

From £179.99

1 size
Rectangle 160cm x 213cm 5'3" x 7'0" £179.99
LOF PUKYU 2303 Multicolored Rug

LOF PUKYU 2303 Multicolored Rug

From £179.99

1 size
Rectangle 160cm x 213cm 5'3" x 7'0" £179.99

Introducing the Surya LOF Collection: A Symphony of Luxury and Comfort

Elevate your home's ambiance with the Surya LOF Collection of rugs, where opulence meets functionality in perfect harmony. Immerse yourself in the world of premium quality, style, and unparalleled comfort with our exquisite rug range.

Crafted to Perfection: Each rug in the LOF Collection is a testament to our commitment to craftsmanship. These rugs are expertly handcrafted by our skilled artisans, ensuring the highest level of precision and attention to detail. The use of top-tier materials guarantees not only beauty but also durability, making them a long-lasting addition to your home.

Unmatched Elegance: The LOF Collection boasts an array of captivating designs and a rich color palette that effortlessly complements any decor style. Whether you're drawn to traditional motifs or contemporary patterns, our rugs are designed to elevate the aesthetic appeal of your space, providing a touch of timeless elegance.

Indulgent Comfort: Experience unparalleled comfort as you sink your feet into the sumptuous pile of our LOF rugs. The softness and coziness they offer create a warm and inviting atmosphere, making your home the ultimate retreat for relaxation and leisure.


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