0330 113 4909

MOC Rugs

Introducing our exquisite collection of Surya rugs, a testament to craftsmanship, elegance, and timeless beauty. Handcrafted with precision and passion, these rugs are designed to elevate your living spaces and create an atmosphere of sophistication.

Each Surya rug in this collection is a work of art, carefully woven from the finest materials to ensure durability and comfort underfoot. Whether you prefer traditional, modern, or eclectic styles, our diverse range of designs and patterns caters to every aesthetic.

The Surya collection features a harmonious blend of colors and textures, enabling you to find the perfect rug that complements your interior decor effortlessly. From soft and luxurious shag rugs that add warmth and coziness to your living room, to intricately detailed Oriental rugs that evoke a sense of history and culture, we offer something for every taste and space.

Crafted with both form and function in mind, our Surya rugs are not only visually stunning but also built to withstand the test of time. The high-quality materials and meticulous construction ensure that these rugs retain their beauty and resilience for years to come.

Elevate your home with the timeless elegance of our Surya rug collection. Whether you're looking to make a bold statement or subtly enhance your decor, these rugs are the perfect choice. Transform your living spaces into inviting havens of style and comfort with our Surya rugs, where artistry and craftsmanship converge to create enduring beauty.

MOC Rug Designs

MOC ADELE 2306 Grey Rug

MOC ADELE 2306 Grey Rug

From £89.99

3 sizes
Rectangle 130cm x 180cm 4'3" x 5'11" £89.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £129.99
Rectangle 200cm x 290cm 6'7" x 9'6" £199.99
MOC LOLA 2301 Grey Rug

MOC LOLA 2301 Grey Rug

From £89.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 130cm x 180cm 4'3" x 5'11" £89.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £129.99
MOC VICTOIRE 2311 Grey Rug

MOC VICTOIRE 2311 Grey Rug

From £89.99

2 sizes
Rectangle 130cm x 180cm 4'3" x 5'11" £89.99
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £129.99

Introducing our exquisite collection of Surya rugs, a testament to craftsmanship, elegance, and timeless beauty. Handcrafted with precision and passion, these rugs are designed to elevate your living spaces and create an atmosphere of sophistication.

Each Surya rug in this collection is a work of art, carefully woven from the finest materials to ensure durability and comfort underfoot. Whether you prefer traditional, modern, or eclectic styles, our diverse range of designs and patterns caters to every aesthetic.

The Surya collection features a harmonious blend of colors and textures, enabling you to find the perfect rug that complements your interior decor effortlessly. From soft and luxurious shag rugs that add warmth and coziness to your living room, to intricately detailed Oriental rugs that evoke a sense of history and culture, we offer something for every taste and space.

Crafted with both form and function in mind, our Surya rugs are not only visually stunning but also built to withstand the test of time. The high-quality materials and meticulous construction ensure that these rugs retain their beauty and resilience for years to come.

Elevate your home with the timeless elegance of our Surya rug collection. Whether you're looking to make a bold statement or subtly enhance your decor, these rugs are the perfect choice. Transform your living spaces into inviting havens of style and comfort with our Surya rugs, where artistry and craftsmanship converge to create enduring beauty.


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