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Modern Rug Design Trends

5 Modern Rug Design Trends That We Didn't See Coming

One of the things that keeps the world of modern rugs exciting is that you can never predict the next big thing. Whenever a new year rolls around, it’s always fun to take a guess at the particular modern rug trends that will make it big that year, but it’s tough to be accurate. With that in mind, here are 5 modern rug trends (in no particular order) that we just didn’t see coming.

5. ‘Jellybean’ style modern rugs

Who could have predicted that a rug that appears to be covered in giant balls of wool would be so popular? But the Jellybean style rug is exactly that. Hand-tufted to create that unmistakeable effect, this is one type of modern rug that you certainly won’t forget. Throw in the huge variety of colours and you’ll see why these modern rugs are so on-trend just now.

4. Downtown rugs

Just as with the world of modern art, modern rug trends don’t tend to follow any established guidelines. The Downtown modern rugs collection is one such example. Designed to reflect the atmosphere and mood of urban areas like London and New York, these Downtown rugs really have to be seen to be believed.

3. Spacedust modern rugs

With a pattern that’s immediately attention grabbing, it perhaps shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that Spacedust modern rugs are one of the most popular trends of the moment. Designed with a geometric style that seems to explode from the centre, these modern rugs offer a lot of visual interest while retaining the flat-woven comfort that rug buyers expect with modern rugs.

2. Patchwork vintage rugs

While it is true that vintage rugs are almost always on-trend is some shape or form, the patchwork style of these particular Vintage modern rugs may surprise you. The collection is able to blend traditional pattern work with a more contemporary approach to colour usage and that patchwork overlay. These vintage rugs are the definition of modern rug design, and really deserve their incredible popularity.

1. Splash rugs

Here is a collection of rugs that’s all about making a statement. The Splash rugs collection is deservedly one of the trending modern rugs of this year. With the detailed design work featuring an almost lightning-fork effect, along with the detailed carved pile, it’s no surprise that these modern rugs are being snapped up.

For more examples of the UK’s most popular modern rugs, please explore our full range of rugs.


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