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4 Things You Should Never, Ever Do To Your Rug

If you’ve invested a good amount of time and money buying a new rug, you’ll want it to last as long as possible. With this in mind, you’ll need to keep it in tip-top condition. Here at Rugs Direct, we’ve got years of experience doing exactly that – so here are our 4 top things that you should never, ever, do to your rug.

1. Don’t scrub out stains

Try as you might, sometimes spills at home are unavoidable. If this happens on one of your rugs, it’s tempting to grab a cloth and scrub at the stain until it’s gone – but this is a big no-no. The reason is simple: rather than removing the stain from the fibres, you’re actually just working it in deeper. This may reduce visibility slightly, but you’ll never remove it this way. Instead, you should dab lightly at the spill and lift the liquid away. Apply no pressure, focus instead on absorbing the spill, and you should have a good result.

2. Don’t use anything other than carpet-cleaners

When rugs get dirty, you’ll naturally want them to be clean as soon as possible. But using anything other than specific rug cleaning products – especially on high-end rugs – can be a recipe for disaster. All-purpose cleaners or surface cleaners (or, heaven forbid, bleach), can all contain damaging substances which could destroy soft fibres or remove colour from the rug. It’s always safer to use only trusted rug cleaning products on the rugs in your home.

3. Don’t place your rug in direct sunlight

Just as with other household items, the ultra-violet rays contained in direct sunlight can cause the colour in rugs to fade. For this reason, we’d recommend that you ensure all of your rugs are kept out of direct light – for at least most of the time. A little UV shouldn’t cause significant colour fading, but continuous exposure over days or weeks can make a once vibrant rug look dull and lifeless.

4. Don’t drag furniture around on top of your rug

This one may seem like common sense, but bears repeating: don’t drag furniture across the surface of your rugs. While it may not seem too traumatic, over time this type of movement can cause the singular threads of the rug to become loose or unravel. This in turn may lead to unsightly fibres standing proud of the rug’s surface, or excessive rug shedding. In either case, it’s something you want to avoid – so put your back into it and lift that furniture well clear the next time you’re having a reshuffle!

Now you have the skills, it’s time to put them into practice – and what better way than with a new rug? Check out our wide range of rugs online right now, or call our friendly team on 0845 838 8638.







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