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NOC DELICE 2309 White Rug

By Surya

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Introducing the Classic Collection from the Surya Range: Contemporary Elegance, Durability, and Effortless Maintenance

The Classic Collection is your gateway to innovative designs that infuse your home with a contemporary flair. These rugs are not just floor coverings; they are eye-catching, attention-grabbing pieces of art that can transform any room. With their graphic and sleek lines, they inject a dynamic feel into even the most conservative living spaces. These rugs are not just trendy; they break the monotony and add character to your home. Crafted by our experts through machine weaving, they embody both aesthetics and functionality, being durable, moisture, bleach, and stain-resistant, featuring a virtually non-shedding pile. Designed for high-traffic indoor areas, they are family and pet-friendly, offering stress-free maintenance through regular vacuuming and simple stain clean-up with warm water and a few drops of soap. Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these rugs are soft and cozy, bringing comfort and warmth to any home.

Key Features:

  1. Innovative Contemporary Design: The Classic Collection is a testament to innovative contemporary design. These rugs are not just floor coverings; they are pieces of art that grab attention and transform your living space.
  2. Dynamic Graphic Lines: With their graphic and sleek lines, these rugs bring a dynamic feel to your home. They can breathe life into even the most conservative spaces, breaking the monotony and adding character.
  3. Durability: Machine woven by our experts, these rugs are designed for longevity. They can withstand the rigors of high-traffic indoor areas, ensuring they remain a part of your decor for years to come.
  4. Moisture, Bleach, and Stain Resistant: The Classic Collection rugs are built to be moisture, bleach, and stain-resistant, making them ideal for family homes where spills and accidents are part of daily life. They are as practical as they are beautiful.
  5. Virtually Non-Shedding: Say goodbye to the constant hassle of shedding. The Classic Collection boasts a virtually non-shedding pile, ensuring your space remains pristine and beautiful.
  6. Family and Pet Friendly: These rugs are designed to be family and pet-friendly, with durability and stain resistance to handle daily life with ease.
  7. Stress-Free Cleaning: Maintenance is a breeze. Simply vacuum regularly to keep your rug looking its best. For small stains, a mixture of warm water and a few drops of soap is all you need. Enjoy the beauty of your rug without the stress of complicated upkeep.
  8. Comfort and Warmth: Beyond their aesthetic appeal, these rugs add an element of comfort and warmth to your home. They are soft and cozy, making your space not only stylish but inviting and snug.

The Classic Collection from the Surya Range redefines contemporary elegance, offering durability and an easy-to-maintain solution for your home. Elevate your decor with the Classic Collection today and experience the perfect blend of innovation and style.


We are transparent with our reviews and use Shopper Approved to collect them independently of ourselves. They will contact you directly once you have purchased your rug. You can see a snap shot of some reviews left by customers below but we have noticed Shopper Approved seem to lean towards the better ones to show you.

As we said, we are transparent so click All of our Reviews to see every one, even the bad ones. (as we do sometimes get things wrong, but we hope we fix them fast)

Rugs may slip on hard floors or move on carpets.

  • Stop your rug from slipping or sliding
  • Suitable for carpet and solid floors
  • Protect your rug for a longer life

Order Your Made to Measure Rug

NOC DELICE 2309 White by Surya

Unit: Centimeters



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