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MUT Rugs

Discover the captivating MUT collection of Surya rugs, featuring the Marigold and Aveline ranges, where innovation meets tradition to redefine your interior decor. Immerse yourself in the fusion of modern aesthetics and timeless craftsmanship, designed to elevate your living spaces to new heights of sophistication.

In the Marigold range, each rug is a masterpiece of contemporary design. These rugs boast a symphony of vibrant colors, bold patterns, and eye-catching textures that make a statement in any room. Crafted with precision, Marigold rugs bring an air of modernity and energy, offering a fresh perspective on rug design. Their rich, dynamic visuals serve as a focal point, adding a touch of personality and artistry to your space.

On the other hand, the Aveline range pays homage to the timeless elegance of traditional rug craftsmanship. With intricate patterns and a harmonious color palette, these rugs exude a classic charm that never goes out of style. Aveline rugs are the epitome of sophistication, offering a warm and inviting atmosphere to any room in your home. Crafted with the utmost care, they showcase the beauty of age-old techniques combined with modern durability, ensuring they remain a cherished part of your decor for years to come.

The MUT collection of Surya rugs, including the Marigold and Aveline ranges, presents an opportunity to infuse your living spaces with the perfect blend of contemporary flair and timeless allure. Elevate your home's aesthetic with these exceptional rugs, where innovation and tradition unite to create an environment of unparalleled style and comfort.

MUT Rug Designs

MUT AVELINE 2321 Multicolored Rug

MUT AVELINE 2321 Multicolored Rug

From £109.99

1 size
Rectangle 160cm x 220cm 5'3" x 7'3" £109.99

Discover the captivating MUT collection of Surya rugs, featuring the Marigold and Aveline ranges, where innovation meets tradition to redefine your interior decor. Immerse yourself in the fusion of modern aesthetics and timeless craftsmanship, designed to elevate your living spaces to new heights of sophistication.

In the Marigold range, each rug is a masterpiece of contemporary design. These rugs boast a symphony of vibrant colors, bold patterns, and eye-catching textures that make a statement in any room. Crafted with precision, Marigold rugs bring an air of modernity and energy, offering a fresh perspective on rug design. Their rich, dynamic visuals serve as a focal point, adding a touch of personality and artistry to your space.

On the other hand, the Aveline range pays homage to the timeless elegance of traditional rug craftsmanship. With intricate patterns and a harmonious color palette, these rugs exude a classic charm that never goes out of style. Aveline rugs are the epitome of sophistication, offering a warm and inviting atmosphere to any room in your home. Crafted with the utmost care, they showcase the beauty of age-old techniques combined with modern durability, ensuring they remain a cherished part of your decor for years to come.

The MUT collection of Surya rugs, including the Marigold and Aveline ranges, presents an opportunity to infuse your living spaces with the perfect blend of contemporary flair and timeless allure. Elevate your home's aesthetic with these exceptional rugs, where innovation and tradition unite to create an environment of unparalleled style and comfort.


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